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Main speakers



Invited speakers


Resilient Problem-Based Learning
or PBL for Resilience?

Invited sepakers: Diana Dolmans (Maastricht University), Thomas Ryberg (Aaalborg University), and Ginie Servant-Miklos (Erasmus University)

Moderator: Woei Hung (University of North Dakota)

AI and the Future of Learning

Invited sepakers: Renate Fruchter (Stanford University), Samson Tan (Singapore University ), Mark Serva (University of Delaware); Paulo Marcondes (Instituto Educater)

Moderator: Leandro Folgar (President of Plan CEIBAL)

Innovative active learning methods experiences on K-12 schools

Invited sepakers: Ulisses Araujo (Universidade de São Paulo), Julia Andrade (Ativa Educação), Marcia Sakay (Colégio Pinoneiro), Greiton Toledo (Instituto Federal de Educação)

Moderator: Ulisses Araujo (Universidade de São Paulo)

Academic global citizenship education

Invited sepakers: Reinhold Steinbeck (Santa Clara University), Herco Fonteijin (Maastricht University), Ulisses Araujo (Universidade de São Paulo)

Moderator: Herco Fonteijin (Maastricht University)

Teaching profession: innovation, changes and challenges

Invited sepakers: Miguel Martinez Universidad de Barcelona), Valeria Arantes (Universidade de São Paulo), Luis Bretel (Universidad Tecnológica de Peru ), Viviane Pinheiro (Universidade de São Paulo)

Moderator: Valeria Arantes (Universidade de São Paulo)

Submission for successful publication- Perspectives from the IJPBL Editors

Invited sepakers: Editors of Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning: Woei Hung (University of North Dakota); Krista Glazewski (North Carolina State University); Xun Ge (University ofNorth Texas); Nada Dabbagh (George Mason University)

Moderator: Woei Hung (University of North Dakota)


invited Workshops

Cooperari challenge: aproaching cooperative structures

"Pottions to gamify": Aproach to gamified strategies

Digital Citizenship: What is it about and how do we build it?

Belbin Test to Build Effective Teams for Team-based Learning

Education as a Tool for Environmental Epiphany

Integrating Computational Thinking into our educational practices

How do young people learn? What do they want to learn? Let's define how we should teach them

"School of eternal learners": aproach to diferent active teaching strategies. Active Learning Strategies

Game-based Learning: Game-based learning is a methodology that involves adapting traditional games for incorporation as a teaching strategy

Shooting for the Moon: Applying Moonshot Thinking to Address the Grand Challenges of Our Time

Design Thinking for the Development of 21st Century Competencies

Visible Thinking: Invention Wheels, Creating Scaffolding for Visible Thinking 

Sustainable waste management in schools

Exit Tickets as Instruments for Formative Assessment

Motivational Tiered Assessment (MTA) vs. Traditional Grading Method in Higher Education

Team-based Learning: Teamwork that works!

Maker Spaces: S.O.S., This "Little Bug" Needs Your Help! Come and Make This Cute Car Light Up the LEDs and Enter the World of Programming with a Micro:bit Board

Design of Pedagogical Activity. DAP: An Image Tool to Build a Creative and Open Didactics

Feedback strategies to enhance learning in our students

We are pleased to inform you that within the framework of the International PBL Conference, we have scheduled an experience with UCU students on Friday, October 6th from 09:30 to 10:30 am. We invite you to choose your most interesting activity as spots are limited. This experience offers 18 activities, and each participant must select only ONE option from the 19 activities listed below >> List and registration here



  • Guest speakers (by invitation only)

  • Workshops (by invitation only) 

  • Panel Discussion / Symposia

  • Oral presentation of investigations and experience demonstration

  • Interactive poster and paper presentation



The poster presentation will be held on the ground floor of Semprún Building on Friday, October 6th, from 5 PM to 6:30 PM.

The poster should have A0 size, measuring approximately 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm (33.11" x 46.81"), and will be disposed vertically.

For those who want to print the Poster locally, we suggest the store COPIPLAN (, with several locations throughout the city. You can order it online or print it on your arrival. Please make sure to allow enough time for printing.


This session will be followed by a Potluck Cultural Gathering.



Paper presentations are reports about research and/or the implementation and application of PBL or Active Learning Methods. The sessions are about two-hours long and can have 3 to 4 consecutive presentations. Each author will have up to 20 minutes to present the research or experience, and afterwards 30/40 minutes will be left for discussion with the audience.


The PBL2023 planning committee, however, will organize other interactive sessions with invited speakers in the UCU facilities.



Round-table sessions will focus on specific topics concerning PBL or other active learning methods. Each session will last 60 minutes and will be held over the lunch breaks or other times in the conference program.



A session where participants will be able to meet informally, sitting around a table with experts, keynote and invited speakers.



A participant-driven event that breaks away from the traditional conference format. It fosters spontaneous discussions, collaborative sessions, and peer-to-peer learning. Attendees actively shape the agenda, encouraging dynamic interactions. It's a flexible and inclusive approach to learning and networking.


  • PBL and active learning in primary and secondary education

  • PBL and active learning in higher education – humanities and social sciences

  • PBL and active learning in higher education – health sciences

  • PBL and active learning in science and engineering and applied sciences


  • Use of digital media and technologies in PBL and active learning (Hybrid PBL-models, Online PBL, PBL in blended or hybrid environments)

  • Project PBL -Case PBL

  • Interdisciplinary PBL and active learning

  • Methods for researching PBL and active learning

  • Philosophy and theory of PBL and active learning

  • PBL, active learning, sustainability and participation

  • Professional development/staff development for PBL and active learning

  • Education management PBL and active learning

  • PBL, active learning and life-long learning

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Declared of Educational Interest by the National Administration of Public Education (ANEP)


Declared of Ministerial Interest by the Ministry of Education and Culture


Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Campus Montevideo
Av. 8 de Octubre 2738
CP 11600 Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel. (+598) 2487 2717 int. 6025

© 2023 Universidad Católica del Uruguay

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